The Changing World Of Search Engine Optimization!

Search engine optimization is one of the most dynamic fields on the web. It is the most time intensive and constantly evolving area and because of the same reason, it is also highly misunderstood. Because search engine optimization standards are constantly evolving, what may be true today might be useless tomorrow. And designers who are not up to date with the changes often find themselves creating websites that are not search engine friendly!

Web designers who understand the importance of SEO can create websites that are not only attractive but also perform to achieve good search engine rankings. Here are some design focused SEO tips that helps to create websites that are efficient on both the fronts – design as well as SEO.

Use Descriptive Text Links
Links inform the search engines about the contents of the web page. And the words you use in your link text holds immense importance with the search engine crawlers. Therefore, avoid using 'Click Here' and instead try to include your keywords and phrases in the link text.

Even though 'Click Here' may guide visitors to click through a particular link, it offers absolutely no value to the search engine crawlers. On the other hand, keyword rich headings not only inform them about the page contents but also add to the relevancy of the page. You can use CSS to maintain the style of the web page design but make sure to link the major headings and change the link text to make it more descriptive. This would improve the internal linking of the website to an enormous level.

Practice Linkbaiting
One of the most crucial processes of SEO is to gather links from across the web. And websites that generally offer links love great looking designs. Therefore, a well designed website would help you find favor of a major chunk of web communities like gallery lists, showcases, directories and so on.

Test your Website on Lynx
This is one of the most precious SEO tips! If your website can perform well on a browser like Lynx i.e. it is easy to navigate, the content renders well and so on, then you can be sure that you have designed a great website. The idea is to think of search engine crawlers as extremely poor, non-functional browsers or probably unintelligent users. So you would need to make sure that they are able to browse through your website with ease and come across no problems. And this is the key to designing efficient and search engine friendly websites!

Learn to Use Hash
The hash symbol (#) is an extremely powerful SEO tool that helps developers create an element in the URL that is not considered unique by the search engine crawlers, and so, it dropped. For example, for long web pages that require users to scroll down a lot, there is generally a 'Back to Top' link placed towards the end that leads users to the top of the page. This link uses the hash! These small tweaks go a long way in optimizing the website for search engines at the same time preserving its look and feel!

Bergstrom-SEO is a leading Best Seo Company that offers seo services that guarantees top search engine result page positioning along with higher organic traffic inflow from all major search engines. We provide expert seo services worldwide. For more details, click seo usa.

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